Tips for passing your citizenship interview

On behalf of Immigration & Nationality Law Group posted in blog on Sunday, March 4, 2018.

Moving to the U.S. comes with numerous challenges, no matter your age or nationality. Whether it was your intention all along or you came to the decision after years of living here, you may choose to start the journey to become an American citizen.

The process is long and complex and best to complete with the help of an immigration attorney to avoid mistakes that will cost you time and money, and perhaps even your current status and residence. Once you make it to the end, all you have left is to pass the final interview to receive permission to become a citizen. You can be successful by following these tips.

Study thoroughly

The most important part is simply to study properly beforehand. The interview consists of a variety of tests to determine your proficiency in speaking, reading and writing in English. For reading and writing, you only need to read or write one out of three sentences correctly.

The last test is the civics portion, covering American government and history. The interviewer will ask you 10 out of 100 possible questions, but you only need to answer six of them correctly. Make sure you have current information, as political leaders and laws can change. The U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services offers study materials, and you can also take a civics practice test.

Be prepared

Before the big day arrives, make sure you have all the documents you need to avoid a delay in the naturalization process. Dress appropriately and arrive on time, if not early. Listen attentively to the interviewer and speak clearly when you respond. Remember to breathe in deeply and slowly to help calm down your nerves.

If you pass, then you will receive a date of when you can participate in the citizenship ceremony, where you will repeat an oath to become a citizen of the U.S. You will then receive a certificate; check to make sure all the information on it is correct before you leave to celebrate.